Setting as character

While I’ve mentioned I like to travel and create different settings in my stories, I’d like to mention setting as a character itself in a book. For instance, what would GONE WITH THE WIND be without the old south and the civil war, which definitely adds to the drama and story of the characters? Yes, it would still be a great novel, but think how the war and culture of the south affected the characters’ motivations and lives. I’m sure you can think of a lot more books where setting is a great foundation to a story.

When I set up my author page on Facebook sometime ago, I didn’t think about the photo image I placed there in relation to my new release, HEALING JOURNEY. I chose it as a peaceful, pleasant garden scene which happened to be from a photo I took over a year ago. However, Healing Journey is set in Florida and the heroine finds reprieve in this particular garden, Heathcote Botanical, as well as along the Atlantic coastline. The image above was taken from the Jensen Beach, Florida, Atlantic coastline.

Setting does not have to be a dominant presence to make a book great. But if you’re interested in settings or travel, the next time you read a novel consider how much the setting does relate to the book.

Happy reading and traveling,



3 thoughts on “Setting as character

  1. Pingback: Setting as character — The Write Inspiration – Pamela Harstad

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